Starts the college life

October - 2021


Go to know about IT Industry and learned two languages

June - 2022

I am from small village and this IT industry is totally new for me and it takes time to understand it and learn the first two high level language that is C language and C++ in June 2022.

Learned the Java and DSA

September - 2022

After learning and exploring the world of IT, I starts learning about DSA like how it works, different DSA algorithms, different methods. Using I was abled to solve problems and got recognized by my HOD sir and my classmates.


Become the 5 ⭐ problem solver in Java, C++, and certified problem solver on Hackerrank

October - 2022

As a begineer, I always used and prefer the Hackerrank in order to solve the problems. And once I got the command on this languages I try to solve problems on Hackerrank and from that I got to know about the Leetcode and CodeChef platforms also.

Got to know about the world of Open-Source, Its benefits and quite CP

December - 2022

In December 2022, I got to know about what is Open Source and it benefits. How to grow your career in the world of Tech using Open Source. Always try to go remote and connect with the people and learn from it.


Attend the TechFest 2022 at IIT Bombay

December - 2022

As a Science student, It was always my dream to live one day at IIT bombay and learn and explore it. In December 2022, I got that chance and attend the first techfest at IIT bombay.

Become the part of Developer Program Member and become member at GitHub Global Campus

December - 2022

Being a Developer Program Member at GitHub is a amazing thing. I learned lots of things like Git, GitHub, Version Control, and Git Bash from it. This knowledge helps me in doing open-source contributions. So, It is a nice and amazing thing to be a part of GitHub and I am going to learn lots of things in the future.


Selected in The Gita Initiative Open Source project under WOC`23

January - 2023

In January 2023, got selected in Winter of Code under project The Gita Initiative. In that project I contributed and design the front-end part of the website. And I am also in the final release team in that project.

Become the part of a NSS

January - 2023

It`s always be a proud moment when you work for country`s well being and for your country`s social awareness.


Selected as a Cloud Engineer at CLDC - Charusat

March - 2023

As a cloud enthusiast, this is the first step toward learning cloud computing. As a fresher, It is always a special feeling to start your career in the dream field with a well-known industrial person who knows very much about it. And It is very important to put our first step toward our career goal.

Web & Cloud intern at Krtya Technologies & Pvt Lmd.

May - 2023

One internship is always puts very important role in every student life where they can learn the real industrial knowledge and gain the right skills. As a cloud enthusiast, this is the first step toward learning cloud computing. As a fresher, It is always a special feeling to start your career in the dream field with a well-known industrial person who knows very much about it. And It is very important to put our first step toward our career goal.


Become the open source student developer at GSSoC`23

May - 2023

GirlScript Summer of Code is a 3-month long #OpenSource program by GirlScript Foundation. GirlScript Summer Of Code is a three-month-long Open-Source Program conducted every summer by the Girlscript Foundation. With constant efforts, participants contribute to numerous projects under the extreme guidance of skilled mentors over these months.

Cloud Intern at Bharat-Intern

May, June - 2023

It is always a special feeling to start your career in the dream field with a well-known industrial person who knows very much about it. And It is very important to put our first step toward our career goal.


Featured in top 100 and after in 50 contributor of GSSoC`23 in June month

June - 2023

Open Source always change your life. From this GSSoC`23 I learned lots of new things.

Tech Team at DeCodeCafe Community

June - 2023

DeCodeCafe is a student community of like-minded people who believe in Kaizen (Continuous Improvement). We are here to encourage learning in public culture and help the student community with their life in/after college. We are currently a Rising Community and engaging students with our Workshops, Webinar, Learning Resources, and Opportunities in Tech.


Become the student Ambassador at MLSA

July - 2023

The Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors is a program to sponsor students majoring in disciplines related to technology. The MSP program enhances students` employability by offering training in skills not usually taught in academia, including knowledge of Microsoft technologies.

Selected as WebDev Team Lead at DeCodeCafe Community

September - 2023

From my way of doing the things and looking at my work, I have been selected as a WebDev Team Lead at DeCodeCafe Community because I know how to develop the websites and how to maanage the work while managing the college life.


Develop the back to back 3 websites for my community and department

June - 2023

At starting of the 2023, I don`t know about the how to develop the websites. But after my problems I learned about it and I got to know that If you really want to do something then first you have to learn it and then try to increase it by making connections in open source development and It really helps me in this projects because using it I am able to develop those websites.

Clears Hacktoberfest`23

October - 2023

After got to know about the many events where we can increase connections and got to know about real projects and how it works, I clears the hacktoberfest in first attempt. Although I make some fake PR`s as well but most of the time I always used to know the project structure and also update the document section of that project by updating around 180 line in JSOn file in one project.


Become the Postman certified Student Expert

December - 2023

In this entire journey of being a Student Expert at Postman, I learned how to develop manage an API using Postman and how to test various exposed API endpoints using variables, codegen and environments in workspaces using Postman Desktop on Arch Linux.